VXDIAG BMW E-sys Coding Software not Working Solution


I’ve installed BMW software to work with vxdiag multi tool for BMW. Strange because my ISTA-D works fine, but E-sys not working.




To do BMW F-series coding or programming with vxdiag vcx, you should turn on the DoIP switch on vx manager.

Open VCXNet DoIP manager on desktop

Connect VCX

Then press DoIP ON to turn on DoIP switch

DoIP automatically assign IP

Now E-sys 3.27.1 coding software is ready to use.

vxdiag-turn-on-doip-1 vxdiag-turn-on-doip-2 vxdiag-turn-on-doip-3 vxdiag-turn-on-doip-4 vxdiag-turn-on-doip-5


Video demo:

BMW F-series F18 coding with VXDIAG E-sys 3.27.1