How to set up XDOS 12.2018 to work with VXDiag Benz C6 DoIP?

Allscanner VXDIAG Benz C6 xentry software updates to V2018.12 till Jan, 2019. New customers will get software  in 2TB HDD format.  No more incompatiblity issue.  If you bought VXDIAG VCX before Dec. 2018, C6 VCI comes with older software version (2018.05, 2018.07) which cannot compatible with 2018.12 software.

Here’s a customer DIY guide to set up XDOS 12.2018 to work with Allscanner VXDIAG Benz C6 mult tool.



Users are told that VXDiag works only till xdos 07.2018 but a customer solved the issue and it works fine also with 12.2018!!! (Online and offline).
Need only try it with DTS with database (DTS installed on vendor hdd is activated but without database)


how to set XDOS 12.2018 (pay attention no xdos passthru version) to work with ALLScanner VXDiag:

1)- you must install xdos 12.2018 (no passthru version) normally as you must use it with c4 (all patchs installed);
2)- from vendor hdd 07.2018, you must start “config assyst” (VCI not SDC4) and click on “export configuration” (file .xls) and save it on new hhd 12.2018.
3)- copy (from vendor hdd) from C/Program data  folder named “I + ME ACTIA Gmbh”  and put it in same position (root) in new hdd;
4)- keep all PDU-API present in vendor hdd xdos 07.2018 and in xdos 12.2018.
5)- on xdos 12.2018 hdd let start “config assyst” (in VCI not SDC4) and click on “import configuration” ( you must import file.xls previously saved from 07.2018).
6)- restart your pc, connect vxdiag to real car, start Xentry and it works.
7)- remember to update (by using VX Manager” VX Diag firmware and DOIP firmware and download VXDIAG C6 driver and Passthru driver.


Disclaimer: Thanks doctorcico from mhhauto forum. You are at your risk.