VXDIAG VCX SE and Topdon Rlink Lite Comparison

Both VXDIAG VCX SE and Topdon Rlink Lite support multiple car diagnostic software. What is the difference between these two?


Here is a table comparison between Topdon and VXDIAG:

Item Topdon Rlink Lite

Topdon RLink Lite


Vcx Se Topview

Manufacturer Topdon VXDIAG
Driver DMS VX Manager
Display 5 inch LCD No
Registration Yes No
DoIP protocol Yes Yes
CAN FD protocol Yes No (need VCX FD)
Connection USB / Ethernet / WIFI USB Type C, WiFi, WLAN, DoNET
System Android 11
Remote diagnosis Yes DoNET
BMW software Yes Yes
VAG Software Yes Yes
Benz software Yes Yes
Porsche software Yes, only piwis3 Yes, both piwis 2 and piwis 3
Land rover software Yes Yes
Volvo software Yes Yes
GM software Yes Yes
Toyota software Yes Yes
Honda software Yes Yes
Subaru software Yes Yes
Nissan software Yes Yes
Chrysler software Yes  
Ford Mazda software Coming soon Yes
BAOJUN software Yes  
Roewe MG Yes  
SGMW Yes  
PSA Peugeot Citroen software   Yes
Renault software   Yes
J2534 Passthru for OEM programming Yes Yes
Update Update by HDD/SSD BMW Benz Porsche JLR Pathfinder update by HDD/SSD, other software update by link

In sum:

  1. Both Topdon and VXDIAG use 3rd party driver.
  2. Both Topdon and VXDIAG VCX SE are compatible with BMW, Benz, Honda, Toyota, JLR, Nissan, VAG, GM, Volvo, Subaru and Porsche (piwis3) software. Rlink Lite currently does not support Ford, Mazda, Renault, Peugeot, Citroen and Porsche PIWIS2 software, VXDIAG VCX SE does. Topdon supports CAN FD protocols, VXDIAG you need VCX FD series. Topdon Rlink supports Chrysler, Wuling, Roewe MG software, vxdiag does not.
  3. Both devices support remote diagnosis.
  4. Both devices can be used as J2534 passthru interface for OEM programming.
  5. VXDIAG allows to add more car brand license to the unit.
  6. VXDIAG also supports WLAN and DoNET connection.
