Xentry 2023.09 software was tested working fine with VXDIAG Benz C6 and VCX SE Benz DoIP diagnostic scanners.
New software will be avaible in HDD or SSD formart.
Software List:
Xentry 09/2023
XENTRY V33.6.2.4_V2
WIS/EPC, 06/2021
StarFinder 2016-2022
SDmedia 2014
DTS Monaco 8.13.029
To use 09/2023 xentry software with VXDIAG Benz device, make sure
You got the latest C6 driver in VX Manager.
Run Xentry recovery tool on the desktop to sync Xentry VCI.
Update firmware/VCI-> Update C6 driver-> Sync VCI.
2023.09 MB Xentry Software Display: