VXDIAG ODIS Error Reading License File Solution


I tried to use ODIS 7.2.1 software with vxdiag vcx se pro, it said license invalid and asked me to update VCI. Then i tried to install/update 6154 driver, but it displayed another error reading license file. Any suggestion?

Vxdiag Odis License Invalid

Vxdiag Odis Error Reading License File


1.The invalid license is usually caused by missing corresponding software license.

Check available license in ‘Licenses’ area

Vxdiag Gm Gds License Invalid Update Vci 2

If cannot see your license, contact vxdiagshop.com to add license to your vcx se.



If don’t have software license, you will get an error reading license file (like in image 2) when installing 6154 driver.

If still get the same error after adding license to the device, update firmware and VCI, then try again.