I tried to program VW Crafter 2016 key with vxdiag vcx se 6154 and odis v11 software. But odis has no connection to the immobilizer module. Any solution?
ODIS offline version can do diagnostics function ONLY.
To program immobilizer keys with ODIS you will need online account.
With ODIS online account you can do following:
- Remove component protection
- Transmission programming
- Software updates with the latest version are available
- Coding, adaptations.
- Key adjustments and immobilizer
- Adjusting new ELV (Steering Wheel Lock)
- Activation AppConnect (+ separate license acquisition)
- Deblocking new computers (mechatronic DSG, airbag components, etc.)
- Access GEKO and SVM
- Retrofit solution
- All services in the representative. etc. does not provide online account. Need to get account by yourself.