VXDIAG BMW E-sys Plus 3.8 Asks for Activation?


I got the VXDIAG VCX SE BMW with HDD. When run E-sys Plus 3.8 software, it asks doe a verification code. Where can i get the activation code?

Vxdiag Bmw E Sys Plus 3.8 Activation 1 Vxdiag Bmw E Sys Plus 3.8 Activation 2

Here is the clue.

E-sys Plus 3.8.1 is a bonus software. We don’t provide an activation key.

Contact bmwai.com or find yourself a keygen online.

For example:

E-sys Plus 3.8.1 with keygen

Paste hardware ID here and generate an activation key.

Vxdiag Bmw E Sys Plus 3.8 Activation 3

*You are at your risk.