VXDIAG Ford IDS 128 VCM USB Communication Error Solution


I had a problem running IDS V128.01 with the vxdiag vcx nano Ford interface. VCI and Ford drivers were installed. Start IDS from patch but scanner has no communication with my Fietsa.


VCM USB Cable Communication Error

IDS to VCM cable not detected.

Vxdiag Vcx Nano Ford Vcm Usb Cummunication Error 1



1.Update VCI and DoIP firmware in vx manager

2. Uninstall Ford IDS driver and reinstall again.

Vxdiag Vcx Nano Ford Vcm Usb Cummunication Error 2

It works fine.

Vxdiag Vcx Nano Ford Vcm Usb Cummunication Error 3