VXDIAG Full Brand Pack Software is upgradable ?

Question: I am interested in the VXDIAG vcx plus with full brands.  How many software included? Does it come with a laptop?  Software upgradeable? How long will it update?



VXDIAGSHOP solution:

1.  VXDIAG Full comes with JLR SDD, Honda HDS, GM GDS2/Tech2Win, VW ODIS, Ford/Mazda IDS, Toyota Techstream, Porsche PIWIS, Subaru SSM3, Volvo VIDA, BMW ISTA and Mercedes Benz Xentry software.  Software comes in a 2TB HDD (hard drive) or 2TB SSD (solid drive) format.

Current software version:

BMW   ISTA-D 4.14.14 ISTA-P
BENZ  2019.5
VW    5.13
JLR   V155
PIWIS II  V18.100.000
VOLVO  2014D
FORD   V112
GM    GDS2 2018.12, tech2win 16.02.24,
TOYOTA V14.00.018
HONDA  V3.019
SUBARU 2018.10

2.  You can choose VXDIAG full package with a second-held Lenovo T420 laptop (8 into new)


3. Benz and Mercedes software always comes in HDD/SSD format. So if there is a new version, you need to buy new hard drive/solid drive.

For other software, once there is a new version. VXDIAG will release software and firmware update regularly. We’ll provide software free download. You can also download software from our website “Download” menu.

But the VXDIAG full default software is in HDD/SSD format,  the new software cannot be burnt into the HDD/SSD, you need to set up newer version software on other laptops.