How can I connect VXDIAG BMW multi tool to BMW ISTA software? I need a user guide for this device.
VXDIAG BMW does not have user manual. Because it is much easier use than common ICOM devices.
If you buy VXDIAG and BMW HDD/SSD together from us, VX Manager is installed, ISTA software is activated.
Connect vxdiag vcx plus or vxdiag vcx se interface with computer, check device connection in VX Manager.
Then connect vcx with vehicle and ready to diagnose and program BMW using ISTA.
But if you order BMW license separately or buy a new version BMW ISTA software HDD/SSD, it requires activation.
Open TOOL program on desktop and paste a activation key to activate ISTA software.
If you had “faculty ICOM vehicle connection” error when perform programming with ISTA-P, please enter from ISTA-D.
BMW programming requires entering from ISTA-D as well.