VXDIAG Benz C6 Driver for 2021/12 Xentry File Check Failed??

Here comes the solution to the VXDIAG Benz C6 multiplexer driver installation file check failure problem. The error occurs when installing c6 driver for 2021/12 xentry software.

Error displayed:

‘The file checked failed, try again’

‘Connect device error, ping failed’

Delete and install the C6 driver again, got another error RunCommand Error

Vxdiag Benz File Checl Failed 1 Vxdiag Benz File Checl Failed 2 Vxdiag Benz File Checl Failed 3


The customer has got the technical support from vxdiagshop.com engineer via Teamviewer.

Change another good network connection, and reinstall Benz C6 driver.

Try again it works without problem.

Vxdiag Benz File Checl Failed 4