VXDIAG JLR SDD V164 Software Out of Date?


One of our customers got the VXDIAG VCX NANO JLR device with SDD V164 software. When trying to configure and update modules with SDD, it failed him and said software was out of date.

He was here for help.

Vxdiag Sdd Software Out Of Date 1

Vxdiag Sdd Software Out Of Date 2

Here is the clue.

The above problem is a well known issue currently on SDD and there is a manual patch fix that may work.



SDD 164 is the offline version. 

JLR does not support offline programming, only supports online programming with online account.

You have to buy account from the original website and connect the Internet.

User feedback:

Your software does carry out online programming as I use it daily.
