VXDIAG VCX SE BMW ISTA 4.39 Firmware Error No Voltage Solution


I set up ista-d 4.39.20 software with vxdiag vcx se BMW scanner, but it won’t communicate with any vehicle. Only display ICOM firmware status icon and no voltage input. Any solution?

Vxdiag Ista Firmware Error 1

Possible reason:
No voltage= device is no recognized by vx manager.
Firmware status icon= ICOM driver issue. Usually if ista software is too new, ICOM driver is not ready for that version, it will ask to update firmware. But in this case, 4.39 is supported by icom driver.


Connect VCX SE with vehilce and laptop.
Reinstall BMW ICOM driver.

Vxdiag Vcx Se Bmw Driver
Update firmware.
If still not working, Restart device and try again.

Vxdiag Ista Firmware Error Solution 4
I tried to connect device, reinstall ICOM driver and Restart, now it works.

Vxdiag Ista Firmware Error Solution 1

Vxdiag Ista Firmware Error Solution 2