New vxdiag user review:
“I’m going deeper into diagnosing why my Cadillac CTS 2007 won’t start and bought a VXDIAG VCX nano GM USB cable on vxdiagshop. Arrived yesterday. Followed a couple of Youtube videos and the Tech 2 software works fine* (mostly) and I was able to flash the ECM today with an updated program via the ACDelco TDS SPS2 programming system.
I read numerous horror stories about computer compatibility and trouble with the software but I really didn’t have any issues after following LobuckLS (Tech2Win) and ElPro Garage (ACDelcoTDS) videos.
I am using fresh clean OS installs on 2 different laptops (one for Tech2 software, and one for the VXDiag driver and installed all of the genuine Techline software from the ACDelco web site).
For what it’s worth, AC Delco costs $45 for 2 years of programming ability for one vehicle, so it cost me $48 (incl tax) to program my ECM using the ACDelco software.
Get an odb2 extension cable also as thd device hangs down and make hard to drive if pluged in directly. I put mine on the dash where you can also sett the communication lights.
Runs great 99% of the time, for the cost i can’t complain.
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