I have a vxdiag vcx nano for gm but i have noticed that there are others for difference brands, visually there isn’t much difference in each and by there discription they all support the same protocols, and support j2534 pass thru. So is it just the firmware/software that locks them To a brand ? Also seeing that they do a 3 in 1 pro version makes me even more curious, as this version gives you three different brands and can purchase more. So can the brand specific versions be unlocked/ hacked to support these other brands?
You need a dump of the firmware in the Vxdiag processor, it must contain the serial number and license.
We have customer dumped the firmware from the device.
They try to do it with the help of STlink or Jlink. Connect as in the picture.
These are Ept FTDI Dumps for vxdiag vcx nano gm and ford
and try to get bootloader not just firmware. You have to lower protection from level 2 to 1. All in pdf.
They find a way to get the license file from vcxdiag servers, but they are clearly encrypted. Below are file of vcx nano, and one for a VCX Pro unit. Same size license file, both files start with this :
And ends with this :
If you dump bootloader from GM and Ford-Mazda vxdiag, you can use one tool for 3 brands.