Free Download Allscanner VXDIAG VX Manager V1.5.0 0428

Allscanner VXDIAG VX Manager driver software released to V1.5.0 (28/04/2019). 


## 2019.04.28 V1.5.0 Build 0428

* Optimize DoIP & VCI firmware update combine, automatically upgrade when new firmware is available.
* Optimize client-server network connection and improve connection speed.
* Optimize vehicle diagnostics app installation/update errors.
* Optimize Restart VCI and DoIP systems simultaneously when rebooting the device.
* Optimize The Manager can open device without affecting When the device is using by diagnose.
* Add Error report to upload error log to server.
* Update SDK V1.6.5.0, fix the following issues:
–  Automatically connecting devices may fail in special environment(WIN7 64Bit with low memory).
–  After diagnosis application crash, then connect VCI may fail.
–  Add device using status detect


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