VXDIAG PSA Diagbox vs Lexia3

What’s the difference between VXDIAG PSA and Lexia3 diagnostic interface for Peugeot Citroen DS?

Vxdiag Vs Lexia3 Diagbox

Item VXDIAG PSA Lexia3 original or clone
Software Diagbox PP2000 Diagbox
J2534 Passthru Yes No
-2006 Kline models Yes
2006- CAN BUS models Yes Yes
Connection USB, WiFi, LAN USB
Car brand Peugeot Citroen DS Opel Peugeot Citroen DS Opel
License Able to add other car brand license to the device
Online service box Yes Yes

VXDIAG PSA can be used as OEM emulator to emulate diagbox and also a J2534 pass thru device for OEM programming.

Lexia3 works with PP2000 for older Kline models, VXDIAG only for 2006- CAN BUS models.

Lexia3 only USB connection. VXDIAG also connects via WiFi and WLAN.

Both works with online service box for module updating/reprogramming.
