How to Fix VXDIAG Benz Xentry System Error Fault (2.27) -7.870?

vxdiag benz C6 Problem:

System error (s)

Fault (2.27) -7.870

Serious fault! Please contact the User Help Desk.

Vxdiag Benz System Error 01

Then install the C6 VCI Manager driver, it says initialization of the multiplexer failed.

Vxdiag Benz 870 Error 2


Free download  and run VXDIAG Benz 870 error fix program here:


Problem 2:

Hi i have problem with xentry original hdd soft vxdiag
Problem with c clas w205 2014r
Interface connection but not diag

System error (s)

Fault (2.27) -7.870

Vxdiag Benz Error 2 27


Download XDOS blacklist.exe and run this program

You need the BlackList Fix for your Xentry and DAS system. Please note that the given 870.exe file will ONLY solve this problem for Xentry. You can still have this error for older cars like W211.W203 if switched to DAS.

For DAS blacklist fix you can use the original Cal.sli from Xentry\BIN folder or the one which is packed in the 870.exe file and copy to DAS\bin folder.

TIP: You can open the 870.exe file with WinRAR.

Make sure to make a backup of the original, just in case.

Or use this attached file which will fix for both systems and in addition will make sure that Part_Z is selected in cal.ini for VXDIAG VCX SE in C6 mode.


If you had error 870, try either 870 fix program or blacklist.exe program.

Hope it helps!