Possible to make Vediamo with VXDIAG Benz C6


Mine VXDIAG Benz C6 works fine…I installed by myself xdos 12.2018 and made some change and it works…i’m trying to use it with Vediamo but i’ve not connection (DTS Monaco yes vediamo no)…

Vediamo will never work with this vxdiag, I was told by a very professional person who tried to do it but no luck.
Yes. VXDIAG engineer confirmed the C6 DoIP VCI doesn’t work with Vediamo.
But some customer worked out on it.
C6 works with Vediamo in passthru mode.
Disclaimer: You are at your risk.

Vediamo will take the D-PDUAPI Root Path from Slave.ini (located at C:\Program Files (x86)\Vediamo\Caesar\Driver\slave.ini) so you need to tell it where to find a working copy.

After you have properly installed vxmanager and activated and installed the Benz license and module the driver for “Bosch_MTS6532” is automatically installed into your Xentry folders. The driver used for the vXDIAG Plus hardware is the “Bosch_MTS6532” driver. Test to make sure your Xentry system is working properly with VXDiag before proceeding to setup Vediamo. 

 Now, you need to point Vediamo to that driver and you do that by editing the  “rootpath=“ in C:\Program Files (x86)\Vediamo\Caesar\Driver\slave.ini (under part P):

; ———————————-
; Part P: MVCI PDU-API configuration
; ———————————-



exit and restart Vediamo start center and under the CARSAR/Cxf tab select the Vediamo server. Select “Part P -eCOM” under Vediamo server hardware, click update. You should now see MTS6532 as a new interface available.  


after following my directions above

Copy everything in:

C:\Program Files (x86)\Mercedes-Benz\Xentry\bin\PDU\sdconnect

(and overwrite) to this folder:


and you will get vxdiag to show up as a “sdconnect” interface under the MVCI tab in Vediamo too !

I just figured this out and have not tested coding under MVCI tab yet. But this is a good starting point for us.