How to Install VXDIAG Toyota Techstream V14.00.018 Software?

Toyota Techstream software V14.00.018 (02/2019) has been verified no issue with VXDIAG VCX NANO and VCX Plus scanners.  The V14 software installation is similar to Ford IDS V112.


How to set up VXDIAG Toyota Techstream V14.00.018?

Download software and patch here:

Free Download VXDIAG Toyota Techstream V14.00.018 and Patch

Note: Software comes with patch. Does not require activation.


1. Install the official Techstream diagnostic software and restart the computer after completion

2. Install VCX client VX MANAGER, and install Toyota type drive at the time point

3. Connect to the Toyota VCX device and click “Toyota_Techstream_Fix.exe”. After installation, you will be prompted to create shortcuts on the desktop.

Note: 1. In the future, when using VCX to diagnose Toyota, we must click on “Toyota_Techstream_FIx.exe” to run the diagnostic software. Clicking on the original techstream is not diagnosable;

4. The diagnostic software must be installed first, and the device driver must be installed.