VXDIAG BMW ISTA-P Screen Resolution is Insufficient Solution


Failed to start BMW ISTA-P from 2TB HDD of the VXDIAG VCX SE full device.

It said screen resolution is insufficient to run the application. Any solution?

Vxdiag Bmw Istap Screen Resolution Is Insufficient To Run



ISTA-P resolution is too low.

The resolution of the ISTA-P software does not match the resolution of your laptop.

Follow the reset resolution in ISTA-P.

Run ISTA-P software, press “i” icon

Vxdiag Bmw Istap Resetting 1

Select Reset Settings

Vxdiag Bmw Istap Resetting 2

Press Yes to reset the Config settings.

Vxdiag Bmw Istap Resetting 3

Run ISTA-P software again.

Choose Automatic Search 

Vxdiag Bmw Istap Resetting 4

Set the resolution as the same as your laptop/computer.

Vxdiag Bmw Istap Resetting 5
