Possible to Diagnose Ford F150 F250 F350 with VXDIAG IDS?


I hooked up the vxdiag vcx nano for Ford interface on on F-Series  (I tested it on a 2006 F250 and 2008 F350 – program locked up on both) , it has “network errors”.

So vxdiag ids won’t do Ford F series?




VXDIAG Ford IDS supports PWM, Kline and CAN protocols.

The device works on most Fords that utilize CAN 11 bit protocols and K-line protocol.

It will do F-150 after year 2010. It won’t do F150 pre-2010 (will display test man error)

F350 Test Man Error

As for F-250, F-350 that utilize UBP, vxdiag Ford won’t do these J1850 PWM trucks.


Test and feedback:

I was able to perform an SCR DEF injector cleaning cycle using IDS, which was my purpose for buying it today. I could replicate most functions of the IDS software / VCX Nano with a much cheaper ELM327 adapter and Forscan, however, the SCR injector cleaning cycle was not available.


see also: VXDIAG Ford IDS review on F150 PCM Programming