Set up VXDIAG VCX NANO GM and SPS2 for GMC Tahoe

Here is one of our customers’ working experience on setup vxdiag vcx nano gm with Techline Connect for GMC Tahoe SPS2 online programming.


“I am an owner of a Tech2 diagnostic tool and after countless hours of trying to get the unit to serve as a pass through, I began reading and researching why the GM SPS site would not working with the tool. After reading on several sites, including our own, I learned that GM had changed the site and using the Tech2 was no longer on option without contacting GM support. My understanding was the after going through troubleshooting, GM would grant a single day pass to the legacy SPS site.

I began looking for an alternative and found references to using a VCI (MDI Clone) device-such as VXDIAG VCX Nano GM. I purchase one from ( which presented a whole new set of challenges with setup.


The software that comes with the unit lacks direction. After taking to the web and a lot of trial and error – I was able figure out how to set up the VCX Nano and make it work with the SPS2 website (I can see my Tahoe’s systems now)

First thing – download VX manager from here and install – be sure to select GM option (see pic)

Vxdiag Vcx Nano Gm Techline Connect 1

Complete the install using the default settings. Before installing the Diag modules – install TLC (version or most current) which is the Techline Connect suite from ACDelco TDS. You must have an account which is $45 per VIN to get into the SPS2 services website. Once the TLC suite is installed, go back to the VX Manager application previously installed and go to the Diagnostics tab (ensure the VCX Nano is connected to your computer via supplied USB cable) and install the following tools.

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Once these app have been installed, log back into website, add vin, and launch techline connect via webpage. The SPS2 site will now see your VCX Nano GM as a GM MDI device which allows communication with your vehicle systems. As you can see in the pic below – the device is detected as a J2534 Bosch MDI device.

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Hope this show and tell helps others having issues with the Tech2 and the Techline Connect website.