Opel Ampera Module Programming via Techline Connect or PSA Service Box?

Customer request:

My late 2012 Opel Ampera has the dreaded SVHC error. Checked battery coolant & sensor as all advise. My usual OBDII resets for .5 second. Now unable to charge from charge port. Battery does buil up via Mountain mode.
I purchased the VXDiag VCX FD. Do I need GM Techline Connect or PSA Service box to program module HPCM2? I have PSA account now & purchased both a diagnostic package & the software download credit. But unsure exactly which software & sequence to follow.



Here is the clue.

Many users have managed to use the Service Box system to re-program their Ampera to remove the SHVC warnin.


What you need:


PSA Service Box online account (2hr SPS subscription for 54 euro.)

Buy a token

Windows 10 laptop


A token is required to access the software download. A token allows you to use the manufacturer’s electronic diagnostic and repair tool and to consult the diagnostic ranges on a vehicle (1 VIN number) for one week.
Example: 1 vehicle for 2 weeks = 2 vehicles for 1 week = 2 tokens.



Here is an example on programming 2012 Opel Ampera module with PSA Service Box

Reprogram Opel ECU with VXDIAG and SPS via PSA Service Box



Check also:

Review on Setting up VXDIAG VCX NANO GM with PSA Service Box