How to Update VXDIAG Benz VCI for Xentry 2024.09?

VXDIAG Benz C6 and VCX SE DoIP updated Benz driver and VCI firmware to support Xentry 2024.09 software. Here we will show how to update VXDIAG VCX VCI firmware and driver, then connect to Xentry 2024.09.

VXDIAG Update Benz VCI Firmware V1.9.6.0 to Support 2024.09 Xentry


1. Update firmware 

Connect VXDIAG VCX SE Benz or Benz C6 VCI with laptop.

Update Vxdiag Benz Vci 12

Run VX Manager

Go to Device tab

Update Firmware

Update Vxdiag Benz Vci 1

VX Manager detected there is a new version, press Upgrade and update VCI firmware until finish.

Update Vxdiag Benz Vci 2

Update Vxdiag Benz Vci 3

Update Vxdiag Benz Vci 4

2. Update License

Update license

Update Vxdiag Benz Vci 5

Update Vxdiag Benz Vci 6

3. Update Benz C6 Driver

Go to Diagnostic Tab

Select Benz C6 drive

Update Vxdiag Benz Vci 7

Uninstall old C6 driver.

Update Vxdiag Benz Vci 8

Then install new C6 driver.

Update Vxdiag Benz Vci 9

Update Vxdiag Benz Vci 10

Update Vxdiag Benz Vci 11

Disconnect VCX SE with laptop, then connect again.

Update Vxdiag Benz Vci 13

Update Vxdiag Benz Vci 14

VXDIAG VCX SE VCI is connected. Now you can use 2024.09 xentry software.