VXDIAG VCX SE Failed to Connect Benz Viano W639?


One of vxdiagshop.com’s customers bought the vxdiag VCX SE Benz scanner with his Mercedes Benz Viano W639. He had difficulty connecting to any of the modules.

Will vxdiag vcx se diagnose and code modules on W639?

VXDIAG Benz VIANO W639 K Line 1

VXDIAG engineer solution:

Viano W639 you should manually enter VIN to scan modules. VXDIAG Xentry will not automatically read VIN on this old model.

Our engineer has tested it working fine.

VXDIAG Benz VIANO W639 K Line 2

VXDIAG Benz VIANO W639 K Line 3

Support 4-way can bus, 2-way K-line / L-line protocol.  It works fine on 2005 onwards models. For pre-2005 models with Kline, need luck.