VXDIAG Full Device Firmware Update Need to Synchronize with VX Manager

We had a customer reported that his Benz xentry in the vxdiag full 2TB HDD failed to initialize.  It used to run without issue.  He then tried to manual enter VIN, xentry gave another error “Initialization of the multiplexer has failed”.

The problem occurs after adding extra JLR DoIP license and updated VCX firmware.

Note: The vxdiag vcx full does not have JLR DoIP Pathfinder license only SDD.

Vxdiag 2tbb Hdd Benz Unsuccessful 1

Vxdiag 2tbb Hdd Benz Unsuccessful 2

Here’s the case and working solution.

vxdiag full or vxdiag vcx se full device firmware should be synchronized with VX Manager version.

You updated firmware in JLR DoIP program, the newer firmware is not compatible with vx manager in other software programs.

If you get vcx firmware updated or add new software license to the device, you are required to install latest vx manager, update firmware and VCI driver in each software brands.

For example, you added JLR DoIP license and updated firmware, when you run Benz software program (or BMW, VW, Toyota, Honda etc), you should install latest vx manager, update firmware and vci in vx manager. Same with other software.


Any questions feel free to contact our customer service: www.vxdiagshop.com