Apart from dealer or specialized auto locksmith, is there a way to do a DIY key fob programming on 2019+ Mazda?
Yes, with OBD key programming tool Autel, OBDSTAR etc. Or using J2534 and Mazda MDARS.
User review:
“I have locksmith get me two keys for $800, keyed keys. But they didn’t know the rest. (I am still working on the car)
You can add with a laptop with a sae j2534. I used VXDIAG VCX Nano (for ford/mazda)
Then order a subscription with mazdaservice.
$50 for 72 hours.
$95 for 30 days etc
The mdars software allow you to add keys. (you need to buy the key fob with same FCC ID: WAZSKE11D01 (for 4 buttons) separately.)
If you need the manual key-ed key to open door. You need to get the key code from dealership (parts department) and go to locksmith to have it keyed.”