How to Save and Print VXDIAG Benz DAS Xentry Diagnostic Reports on Win10?

Newbie question:

When using DAS/Xentry software in VXDIAG VCX SE Benz scanner, I want to save diagnostic results from a session, How can I do that?


Take the example of DAS.

After doing a quick test or diagnostic session, hit F11 button.

Choose printout of test step (or other formats), tick Print to file, name the file and hit Print.


Go to Systems- Mercedes Benz- PDF Center


PDF document saved successfully.


Go to PDF Center.

Click on Opening.


You can see your diagnostic reports in the XentryPdfPrinter folder.

vxdiag-benz-diagnostic-report-5 vxdiag-benz-diagnostic-report-6 vxdiag-benz-diagnostic-report-7 vxdiag-benz-diagnostic-report-8

The xentry shares the same root directory after you click the Print icon (Direct Print).


Note: Printer is set to Default under Windows and set it as Printer in PDF Center.