Here comes the honest review of the VXDIAG VCX NANO GM scanner on Holden Captiva.
“I recently ordered a VXDiag VCX NANO for GM. Device works great on my Holden Captiva car (GDS software)!! This device works for the models advertised. Get a buner laptop for the software since it is flagged as a virus. Follow the guode on how to install it for Holden cars (and check yours is supported) and you have a GM scan tool for a pin prick of a price. 10/10 recommended.
Works better than Topdon, Thinkdiag, Launch (tried them all). Overall, I’m still impressed with the level of functionality with the Launch/Topdon scan tools. I’m not in love with the subscription model for the software, but with an acquisition cost. What’s more, a scan tool like this cannot reprogram the PCM/ECM internal data to adjust the fan on/off temps.
Thanks for this!”