How to Install VXDIAG Honda Software?

Allscanner VXDIAG tutorial: how to install VXDIAG Honda (Honda Diagnostic System) software.

3.101, 3.102, 3.103 and later versions share similar procedures.


Devices affected: VXDIAG VCX SE Pro 3 in 1, VCX Plus Honda multi tool, VXDIAG full etc Honda scanners


Software including:
i-H-D-S 1.004.012
J2534 Rewrite 1.00.0015
Immobilizer Setup Tool
vx manager

Free Download Honda HDS 3.102.054 Software for VXDIAG VCX Pro and VCX PLUS



1. Install setup

2. Install iH-D-S setup

3. Install J2534 Rewrite setup

4. Install ImmobilizerSetup Tool

5. Install VX Manager

6. Run iH-D-S




If for diagnosis purpose only, after installing setup, skip to Step 5, then run from desktop. Don’t need to install iH-D-S and J2534 rewrite.

Run Hds



Step 1: Install setup

Download software 3.10x

Open 3.10x software folder
Create 3 folders (H-D-S, iH-D-S nad J2534 rewrite) and unextract H-D-S, iH-D-S and j2534 rewrite zip. files to coresspoding folders.

Honda Hds Vxdiag

Install Vxdiag Honda Hds 2

Open 3.102.051 software
Install setup
Accept license agreement
Select destination: Other (General)
Select Country
Inout Dealer code: 12345
Select setup language
Configure and installing MVCI

Install Vxdiag Honda Hds 2 1

Install Vxdiag Honda Hds 3

Install Vxdiag Honda Hds 4

Install Vxdiag Honda Hds 5

Install Vxdiag Honda Hds 6

Install Vxdiag Honda Hds 7

Step 2: Install iH-D-S setup

Open iH-D-S 1.004.012 folder
Install iH-D-S setup

Install Vxdiag Honda Hds 8

Install Vxdiag Honda Hds 9

Install Vxdiag Honda Hds 10

Step 3: Install J2534 Rewrite setup

Open J2534 Rewrite folder,
Install J2534 Rewrite setup

Install Vxdiag Honda Hds 11

Install Vxdiag Honda Hds 12

Step 4: Install ImmobilizerSetup tool

Install ImmobilizerSetup Tool

Install Vxdiag Honda Hds 13

Install Vxdiag Honda Hds 14

Step 5: Install VX Manager

Install VX Manager and install Honda driver
Installation completed

Install Vxdiag Honda Hds 15

Install Vxdiag Honda Hds 16

Install Vxdiag Honda Hds 17

Connect vxdiag honda interface with laptop

Run vx manager to check connection status


Step 6: Run iH-D-S
Run iH-D-S software from desktop

Select interface type as VXDIAG.

Install Vxdiag Honda Hds 19


Install Vxdiag Honda Hds 20

Software is ready to use.