My vxdiag vcx Subaru SSM4 works fine on a 2014 Subaru Forester, but when I tested another 2013 Subaru Outback with SSM3, it failed to communicate. Error ‘Communication initialization failed. ‘
Any solution?
In SSM3 at the starting screen, if you click on the top right “I/F Box”, there is only “Subaru Diagnostic Interface”, and “Denso DST-I”.
Make sure the “I/O box” is set to “SDI (Subaru Diagnostic Interface)”, it is connecting now.
In SSM4, set up interface as VXDIAG
If you got ‘Communication initialization failed’ error, no device select in SDI (button gray). There is something wrong with Subaru VCI driver. Reinstall Subaur VCI driver will resolve the problem.