I need help with the vxdiag vcx se Benz doip. It reported error VCI cannot be used. I thought it might be the VCI problem so I got the doip vci firmware updated. However, it failed me and displayed another error “Upgrade firmware is not allowed in DoNET remote model”
error screenshots attached:
Vxdiagshop.com solution:
1.For the VCI cannot be used error, need to install DoIP firmware update patch.
Download patch and follow solution here
Solved! VXDIAG VCX SE Benz 2020.12 Xentry “VCI Cannot be Used”
2. For firmware upgrade now allowed in DONET error, we saw you have setup DoNET remote diagnosis, but firmware update should be carried out via USB or WiFi wireless connection only.
Firmware cannot be updated via Donet connection.
Disconnect DONET Connection, connect vcx se benz doip with USB or WiFi to run firmware upgrade.